Life’s a Banquet with Zahra Tangorra & Nicole Bailey

“WHAAAT IS THE DEAL WITH VEAL?!”- The Baby Animal Episode

Episode Summary

Friends, we don’t know about you, but we have postnasal drip, and that can mean a few things, but to us, mucus means spring, and spring means small baby animals. SO LET’S EAT! We’ve got Veal, We’ve got Lamb, and we even have Playboy Bunnies! Plus, are we Parrot fans now? Go ask your friend Bob Villa! So gather up a small goat and watch as it sucks out your soul, it’s Life’s a Banquet the podcast!

Episode Notes

Friends, we don’t know about you, but we have postnasal drip, and that can mean a few things, but to us, mucus means spring, and spring means small baby animals. SO LET’S EAT! We’ve got Veal, We’ve got Lamb, and we even have Playboy Bunnies! Plus, are we Parrot fans now? Go ask your friend Bob Villa! So gather up a small goat and watch as it sucks out your soul, it’s Life’s a Banquet the podcast! 

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