Life’s a Banquet with Zahra Tangorra & Nicole Bailey

"Elephant en Croûte"- The 2021 CHRISTMAS FOODS Episode!

Episode Summary

Folks, the merriment continues on this week's sticky-sweet Christmas foods episode! Ever wonder, “what the fuck is the deal with figgy pudding”, or “ why mincemeat, why?” Well, consider all your problems solved, because we’re about to unpack Earth's greatest mysteries, PLUS Z has a redo on one of the greatest Christmas tales of all time; when the city of Paris ate all their zoo animals for Xmas dinner! So make yourself a plate of Elephant Benedict, because you won’t go until you get some, it’s Lifes a Banquet the podcast!

Episode Notes

Folks, the merriment continues on this week's sticky-sweet Christmas foods episode! Ever wonder, “what the fuck is the deal with figgy pudding”, or “ why mincemeat, why?” Well, consider all your problems solved, because we’re about to unpack Earth's greatest mysteries, PLUS Z has a redo on one of the greatest Christmas tales of all time; when the city of Paris ate all their zoo animals for Xmas dinner! So make yourself a plate of Elephant Benedict, because you won’t go until you get some, it’s Lifes a Banquet the podcast!

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